LIFE WITH BEARDI seem to have become quite well known for my beard and although I couldn’t imagine life without it now, there was a time when I hated the very thought of growing facial hair.There was something about the itch, irritation and dryness …


I seem to have become quite well known for my beard and although I couldn’t imagine life without it now, there was a time when I hated the very thought of growing facial hair.

There was something about the itch, irritation and dryness (not to mention wearing your own personal bib 24/7) that I just couldn’t get my head around.

My younger years were an endless party and like most young men I enjoyed nothing more than a little dare between my friends. It was actually a group of my mates who came up with the idea of me not shaving and when a cash prize was offered up as a little extra incentive I thought, what the hell. I’m in!

At first it was tough to not shave and I didn’t have a clue about caring for my facial hair but I won the bet and gained newfound respect for my bearded brethren.

I’ve come to enjoy having facial hair and the compliments that I get from my family, friends and even strangers has cemented the fact that I’d now be lost without my beard.

Some people have trouble growing facial hair and find that it gets patchy or thin in areas. Although I can’t give you scientific answers, I’ve heard that a healthy diet is a major key. Upping your protein levels and taking a hair, skin and nails supplement may help those in need of a little filler action.

I’ve also learnt how to care for my beard and the skin underneath it, as it can get very irritated and dry (beard oils, a comb and boar hair brush help me) and whenever I wash my hair I make sure to wash and condition my beard at the same time.

I love my beard; it makes me feel like I’ve succeeded in becoming a man. But just a word of warning guys, just because it may look like a soft, thick chin pillow for your partner to lie on, doesn’t mean that it’s going to feel that great for them.

I’ve heard the words “ouch”, “it’s itchy” and “shave it off” so many times, but does that stop me? No. Does it mean that I withhold affection from my partner? No.

I just make sure that I keep it neat and conditioned and that I put as much thought into my beard as I do into the rest of my wardrobe…and then we’re both happy.

Jared Acquaro is a menswear blogger at A Poor Man’s Millions based in Melbourne.